Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Marketing Sarah's Business

One of the interesting things about having a character who is running her own business is that her business needs just as much attention paid to the marketing as the film does. You might have noticed this in the background of the blog, but have a better look at our first draft of Sarah's logo.

Monday, February 3, 2014

First Audition Announcement

We are in the middle of the casting process for the five principle players. It's a bit earlier than usual, but I would like to have the time to get the word around the Boston community of actors so that we can find people who really fit. Also there are costume considerations for a couple of the parts. The sooner we get them cast the sooner we can have the costume designer working with a real person, and more specifically a real person's sizes.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in the following parts please use the contact form to the right, or send an email to with Ghost Tours Auditions in the subject line.